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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Very Profound...

I just finished reading some blogs that have been written by family and friends. They are very informative and some of them are written so well. It kind of makes me discouraged. I don't really have anything profound to say and I definitely don't know how to make it sound profound even if it isn't.

Oh well. It's almost dinner time and my big- wait, GINORMOUS- cat just plopped down on my lap and is shedding like it's time to get a new coat or something. So that means this blog won't be too painfully long. And I just found out my nephews are coming over to play!

So, I didn't get my blog post finished before my nephews arrived. We played with some puzzles, fire trucks, and cars. Then we decided to watch a movie. Here's a video of Lincoln watching "Baby Mormon." You'll notice if you watch closely that he is using some blueberry flavored chapstick quite liberally. (If you ask me, I think he's eating it. But good for him! You've got to live a little while you're a kid!) I'm trying to think of something profound to say about chapstick...or eating it. I guess I'll work on that.


Amber said...

I know how you feel. Some of my friends (and family) have great blogs that are so fun to read, and I feel like mine is just blah, so mostly I just post pictures. I did start a private blog that is more like a diary. Even though most of it isn't profound, I feel like its more meaningful (even if it is just because I'm planning on printing it out someday). If you want an invite for it, just let me know. If you don't, that's fine too. Thanks for what you have been posting-- I like to hear what is going on with you and what you are thinking (even if it isn't profound).

Mythreesons said...

If you ask me, reminding us to live a little and let our kids eat chapstick is profound. Besides, I think it's more important to make people laugh, and you just made me laugh. I value that over just about anything.